Tuesday, June 28, 2011


One thing I will never truly understand is the perceptive power of intuitions. Ever since I was a little kid, my intuition has been pretty much dead-on. My character judgement of others, ideas, notions, things I had a hunch about- basically. The problem? I usually ignore those hunches, and then woeful issues arise.

So what is it that makes this snap judgement ability in us possible? It seems to contradict the very core of not judging a book by its cover. Yet sometimes our impressions are correct. What to do then? Simply- the path to that answer runs parallel to many other intrigues- Will it last? How will it end? Is it worth it? Time. Steady, irrevocable, unchangeable time.

On the same token, intuitions cease to be so after we over analyze the subject matter. For example, you may know for a fact a certain purchase is unnecessary or perhaps dubious. But once you start eyeing it over , in a matter of minutes your mind and heart will have concocted a buffet of 1,000 reasons why you "need" it. Same with everything else in life. As humans we have a feisty inner conflict of voices fighting to be heard. Reason, Rationality and Logic vs Illusions, Possibilities, and What-ifs. The problem is illusions only stay in one place; the mind. And reality goes on to be our daily bread. How pleasant we make our reality can very well depend how carefully we consider our intuitions..

And next time, if all signs point to run far far away- do so. Its possible to escape before the point of no return.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Marvel of Books

Thoughts are an ever inspiring realm. From the raw materials needed to produce one, to the timeline of observations and checkpoints, to the final polished idea- its such a rewarding trip. Especially if this thought is a product or predecessor of experience, fact, or a combination- and it happens to be accurate. Or at least, highly logical.

Books are pretty much someone's idea, after being cut, trimmed, manicured and polished. The idea may be simply a caboose on the train of thought, it may be the rails the train travels on, or it may be the brick wall the train wrecks into. What's amazing is that when thoughts are recorded into a book, they automatically gain power. They transmit themselves from my mind to yours, and now you are looking at the same picture, in the same way I am. Books themselves are powerful- for they can add to our already established ideas, diminish them altogether, or create an entirely new world of thought one had never even imagined possible.

For example, below is a quote:

"Some make up for in body what they lack in mind. My body is simply a vessel that carries my mind carefully and comfortably."

Now how many times had you thought of a body as either an encasement for a brain or just a shiny shell? Chances are, now you will, from time to time, think of in the way I did.

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